Sunday, 12 July 2020

End of Lockdown

I have been back at work for 5 weeks now and my shifts have been long and finishing late so far less work has happened on the railway and associated projects. I have finished a few projects that I will add to the blog in the coming days and I am hoping to soon get the factory area started although I will have to buy the factory building before hand to allow me to set it all out correctly. Hopefully it will be done before the Autumn but, knowing me, it will probably take longer.

More will be added to the site over the next week and pages will be updated as well as I have some dead links to remove.

A new coach

Another lockdown project is this Phil Sharples 4-wheel coach

The kit with its main parts glued together and receiving a coat of watered down PVA.
The coach slowly gaining some colour.
The body now has its colour and the seats and buffer blocks are now red
3 new characters are being painted with the 2 in the background going into the coach.
The main structure is complete
The passengers are in place
The glazing is in so I can now fit the roof struts
The roof is going on
The coach in its current form. I will try to complete it this week.